Process Automation

Trusted Oracle partners for all your implementation needs.


Organizations operating across multiple different application ecosystems need to ensure that data is synchronized across applications. Often, data is moved between systems through time-consuming manual processes that can result in lapses in consistency between systems due to human error. Novamodus' development team has built many simple and complex integrations on a variety of platforms and programming environments including Oracle Integration Cloud, Mulesoft, .NET, Python, and Powershell.

Robotic Process Automation

Business processes often involve time consuming steps by team members who would be much more productive working on other things. At Novamodus, we have built bots that do the monotonous, boring tasks to free up your team member's time for more important things.


Businesses need to be able to get the data that's required, when it's required, in the format that it's required. In complex enterprise systems, it can be difficult to join data across different applications and business areas. Novamodus has extensive experience building complicated, pixel-perfect reports with multi-sourced data in multiple formats.